Sunday 24 March 2013

Week 12, Day 5


TGU 32kg x 1/1

Front Squat 20kg’s x 4, 3, 2, 2, 1

A CP 24kg x (1,2) x 3

B Kettlebell Snatch 16kg x 150/14:35mins
(25/25) x 1 every 6mins
Technique improved- using hips more to get that burst of acceleration from the bottom.

C Pullups x 4 x 4
5mins rest between sets

I had to change things up. I felt I stopped making progress, so I’m going to work with 2/3 of my current max but increase the number of sets. Once that is achieved, I will then increase the number of reps per set.

This solves that age-old bane of trainers, how to improve once you’ve stalled. The answer is to keep things the same but do it differently. In this case, lower intensity but increase volume.

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