Sunday, 24 February 2013

Week 8, Day 6

Floor to Bridge TGU 32kg x 2/2

Cleans 32kg x 5/5

LSD – Walk/Jog, 44:17 total @ 139 Avg. HR (S)
Lap 1- 20:43
Lap 2- 23:33

It was raining during the session. Felt comfortable.

Week 8, Day 5


Goblet Squat 24kg x 2 x 5

A CP 20kg x (1,2) x 6

B Kettlebell Snatch 16kg x 120/10:00mins
20/20 2mins on:2mins off x 3 sets

Surprisingly, this felt very easy. Didn’t raise a sweat nor was breathing hard. Felt comfortable. Last set got 22/22. If only the 24 felt this easy…

C Fighter Pullups x 4,4,3,2,1
5mins rest between sets

Week 8, Day 4


Morning Weighted Recharge

Perform as a circuit, meaning one exercise after the other, with little or no rest.
All lifts are performed with a single 16kg kettlebell

Deadlift x 5 > Swings x 5 > Goblet Squat x 5 > One-leg Deadlift x 3/3 > Suitcase Deadlift x 3/3
Rest briefly
RKC Arm Bar > Floor Press > Half-kneeling Press > Turkish Get-up > Bent Press x 3 each side

Partial Pistols x 1 x 5/5

Week 8, Day 3


Half Get-Up 24kg x 3/3
Goblet Squat 24kg x 2 x 5

A CP 20kg x (1) x 5

B Kettlebell Snatch 24kg x 40/12:20mins
5/5 on the minute x 4
High Pulls x 5/5 on the minute x 8

C Fighter Pullups x 4,3,3,2,1
5mins rest between sets

Week 8, Day 2

Fighter Pullups x 4,3,2,2,1

Week 8, Day 1


Half Get-Up 32kg x 3/3
Goblet Squat 32kg x 3 x 3

A CP 20kg x (1,2,3) x 5

B Kettlebell Swing 32kg x 100/9:10mins

10/10 every 2mins x 5 sets

C Fighter Pullups x 4,3,2,1,1

5mins rest between sets

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Week 7, Day 6

LSD – Walk/Jog, 87:55 total @ 142 Avg. HR (L)

Lap 1- 20:41
Lap 2- 22:17
Lap 3- 22:44
Lap 4- 22:13

Today was hard. Really had to slog it- probably shouldn’t have given had a really tough week, but it’s all good.

Week 7, Day 5

(L) Clean & Press 20kg x (1) x 5

Fighter Pullups x 4,3,2,1

Week 7, Day 4

Starting Rite of Passage.

(H) Clean & Press 20kg x (1,2,3) x 5

Snatch 24kg x 4/4 x 8 on the minute.

Fighter Pullups x 3,3,2,1

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Week 7, Day 3

Morning Weighted Recharge

Perform as a circuit, meaning one exercise after the other, with little or no rest.

All lifts are performed with a single 16kg kettlebell

Deadlift x 5 > Swings x 5 > Goblet Squat x 5 > One-leg Deadlift x 3/3 > Suitcase Deadlift x 3/3

Rest briefly

RKC Arm Bar > 3 x Floor Press > 3 x Half-kneeling Press > Turkish Get-up > Bent Press x 3 each side

A Fighter Pullups x 3,2,2,1

Monday, 11 February 2013

Week 7, Day 1

A1 Double Kettlebell Clean & Press, 16kg’s x (1,2,3,4) x 6
                                                                                               (1,2,3) x 2
A2 Double Kettlebell Front Squat, 16kg’s x 4 x 8

Perform A1 and A2 as a superset, every 4 mins for 8 Rounds.

To clarify, first six rounds were (1,2,3,4), last six two were (1,2,3), and four squats every round.

B Kettlebell Snatch 24kg x 3/3 x 8mins (S)

That’s one set of 3 snatches each hand on the minute for 8 sets total.

Felt ok after a tiring ladders session, but technique held up fine.

C Pullups x 3,2,1,1

5mins rest between sets

I needed a new daily program, so I started the Fighter Pullup Program by Pavel, using a 3RM starting ladder. Usually I can burn out pretty hard on a ladder scheme like this, but hopefully I can make this one work.

Saturday, 9 February 2013

Week 6, Day 6

Before I headed out I loosened up with a couple of TGU’s. I felt flat. I can handle a 40kg easily but the 24kg felt heavier than usual.

Turkish Get-Up, 16kg x 1/1, and 24kg x 1/1.

Started later than usual in the morning. It was quite warm for me and I found it a struggle from the get go. It took approximately one full lap before my breathing started stabilizing. Also of note is that I was pushing higher heart rates but I was comfortable at maintaining pace. Last two laps I walked-no jogging to get the heart rate up, and found I could maintain speed easily. So I guess there was some benefit to come out of today, other than relaxation.

LSD – Walk/Jog, 71:01 total @ 142 Avg. HR (A)

Lap 1- 22:13
Lap 2- 24:28
Lap 3- 24:19

Felt really good and relaxed by the end as per usual.

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Week 6, Day 4

A1 Double Kettlebell Clean & Press, 20kg’s x (2,2,2) x 3
                                                                                            (1,2) x 2
A2 Double Kettlebell Front Squat, 20kg’s x 2

Perform A1 and A2 as a superset, every 6 mins for 5 Rounds.

To clarify, first three rounds were (2,2,2), and last two rounds were (1,2). Squats were doubles every round.

B Kettlebell Snatch, 24kg x 5/5 x 8mins (L)

That’s one set of 5 snatches each hand on the minute for 8 sets total.

Snatch technique was very smooth. I was breathing hard but form held up quite well. Bell was being powered up easily enough. Average set length was a shade over 30sec.

I’ve dropped the daily, single Military Press set with the 24, as it wasn’t progressing. I need to rethink this one.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Week 6, Day 3

Morning Weighted Recharge

Perform as a circuit, meaning one exercise after the other, with little or no rest.

All lifts are performed with a single 16kg kettlebell

Deadlift x 5 > Swings x 5 > Goblet Squat x 5 > One-leg Deadlift x 3/3 > Suitcase Deadlift x 3/3

Rest briefly

RKC Arm Bar > 3 x Floor Presses > 3 x Half-kneeling Press > Turkish Get-up > Bent Press x 3 each side

One-Arm Kettlebell Military Press 24kg x 4/4 (L)

Press seemed quite difficult, even though I have got 5 reps in the past.

Monday, 4 February 2013

Week 6, Day 1

A1 Double Kettlebell Clean & Press, 16kg’s x (1,2,3,4) x 2
                                                                                           (1,2,3) x 6
A2 Double Kettlebell Front Squat, 16kg’s x 3 x 8
Perform A1 and A2 as a superset, every 4 mins for 8 Rounds.
To clarify, first two rounds were (1,2,3,4), last six rounds were (1,2,3), and three squats every round.
B Kettlebell Snatch 24kg x 4/4 x 5mins (A)
That’s one set of 4 snatches each hand on the minute for 5 sets total.
Speed and technique has improved- not pinching callouses as much.
C One-Arm Kettlebell Military Press 24kg x 3/3 (A)

Saturday, 2 February 2013

Week 5, Day 6

Cooler than usual start at 15 degrees and raining.

LSD – Walk/Jog, 92:08 total @ 141 Avg. HR (L)

Lap 1- 21:41
Lap 2- 23:26
Lap 3- 23:13
Lap 4- 23:46

Felt really good and relaxed by the end.