Saturday, 29 June 2013

Turkish Getup 40kg

Here's what you do on a rainy Saturday morning;

This isn't picture perfect form, as I've recently moved to a viewpoint that any reasonable means of performing a Get-Up is ok, as long as it meets my main criteria that any movement is deliberate and controlled. If you don't know why or are unaware as to what you are doing whilst doing these then you need to pay more attention to your form. Also, whilst there are certain methods of performing a Get-Up as taught at kettlebell certifications and such, I believe that allowing each trainee the opportunity to discover how to move on their own and perform this movement is extremely valuable. This is not a dismissal of knowledge in this area, as I encourage everyone to seek further understanding, but a call to greater self-reliance-- rather than rely on remembering a multitude of technique cues, the trainee listens to feedback from their body, and hopefully a coach, for maximum performance. I might cop some flak for that, but I learn a movement more effectively by paying attention to what I’m doing, and not necessarily what some “rules” would have me do.

Week A3, Day 6

TGU 16kg x 4/4, 24kg x 3/3, 32kg x 1/1, 40kg x 1/1
SN 16kg x 5/5

SN 24kg x 164/35:51mins
(10/10) x 5 in first 20mins
(8/8) x 4 in the remaining time

Today was random day. I wasn’t feeling quite well from the week and had poor sleep the night before, but still managed put up an ok 40kg TGU, whilst Snatch training was randomized—I started with 10/10 every 4mins and reverted to 8/8 towards the end. I had effectively performed the same volume from the previous week but decreased the time by 10mins, with no grip or elbow issues.

Week A3, Day5

TGU 20kg x 1/1 + rotations
GSQ 20kg x 5
OLDL 20kg x 4/4

Workout C
DSW 20kg’s x 5x3
DFSQ 20kg’s x 5x3
DCP 20kg’s x 10x3

1min rest between all sets

Several pulse pull-ups; elbow's starting to feel much better after I do these.

Week A3, Day 3

HGU 20kg x 1/1 + rotations
GSQ 20kg x 5
OLDL 20kg x 5/5

Workout B
DFSQ 20kg’s x 3x3, 2x4
DCP 20kg’s x 8x3, 2x4
DSW 20kg’s x 5x4

1min rest between all sets

Hanging Leg Raise and various pull-ups

Week A3, Day 2

RKC Armbar > TGU > Windmill > Bent Press @ 16kg x 1/1
TGU 24kg x 2/2, 32kg x 1/1
OLDL 16kg x 5/5
SN 16kg x 5/5, 24kg x 5/5

SN 24kg x 50/4:31mins
(5/5) x 1 On the minute x5

Average set length is 31-32sec

Week A3, Day 1

Partial TGU progression 20kg x 1/1 > floor to lunge

Workout A
DCP 20kg’s x 8x3, 2x4
DFSQ 20kg’s x 4x3, 1x4
DSW 20kg’s x 2x3, 3x4

1min rest between all sets

Hanging Leg Raises 3x4 + 1 pulse pull-up

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Week A2, Day 6

Partial TGU progression 20kg x 1/1 > floor to lunge
TGU 16kg x 3/3, 32kg x 1/1
GSQ 16kg x 5
SN 16kg x 5/5, 24kg x 5/5

SN 24kg x 160/45:51mins
(8/8) x 1 every 5mins x 10

Average set length 50-51sec.

Today’s session was much easier. I still had to go hard, but it felt easier. Once I get 12 sets of 8/8 easily, I will move up to sets of 10/10 x 10, and progress to 12 or more sets.

Same story with the Get-ups: once the current kettlebell feels light, progress to more reps or a heavier kettlebell eg. When 16kg x 5/5 is reached, start with 20kg x 2/2 and progress to 5/5. In this way, slow and steady improvement is assured. It’s momentum that I am looking to build. Remember, its consistency and moderation over intensity.

Week A2, Day 5

Partial TGU progression 20kg x 1/1 > floor to kneeling windmill
GSQ 20kg x 5

Workout C
DSW 20kg’s x 4x3, 1x4
DFSQ 20kg’s x 4x3, 1x4
DCP 20kg’s x 9x3, 1x4

1min rest between all sets

Week A2, Day 3

Partial TGU progression 20kg x 1/1 > floor to lunge
OLDL 20kg x 5/5
GSQ 20kg x 5

Workout B
DFSQ 20kg’s x 5x3
DCP 20kg’s x 9x3, 1x4
DSW 20kg’s x 4x3, 1x4

1min rest between all sets

Hanging Leg Raise x 4x3 + 1 Pulse pullup

A pulse pullup is starting at the bottom, and pulling up a couple of inches and lowering one or two inches, and continuing up until the neck or chest is touching the bar.

This is kind of counter-intuitive given my elbows are wrecked. I visualize my arms as hydraulic rams lifting my body, and I find this constant tension is beneficial as my elbows feel good afterwards. I’ll keep an eye on it.

Week A2, Day 2

TGU 16kg x 2/2, 24kg x 1/1, 32kg x 1/1
SN 16kg x 5/5, 24kg x 5/5

SN 24kg x 50/4:34mins
(5/5) x 1 On the minute x 5

Average set length is 34sec. Still too slow, but that will improve gradually. Grip isn’t bothering me much so that’s a positive.

Week A2, Day 1

Partial TGU progression 20kg x 1/1 > floor to lunge

Workout A
DCP 20kg’s x 10x3
DFSQ 20kg’s x 5x3
DSW 20kg’s x 5x3

1min rest between all sets

Hanging Leg Raises 2x5

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Week A1, Day 6

TGU 20kg x 1/1 floor to lunge
TGU 16kg x 3/3, 32kg x 1/1
SN 16kg x 5/5, 24kg x 5/5

SN 24kg x 128/35:52mins
(8/8) x 1 every 5mins x 8
Average set length 48-50sec.

Saturday’s session, or Day 6, is primarily based around a 60mins Snatch session. The reasoning being Tuesday, or Day 2, is for developing speed, whilst Day 6 is for building up a firm base with easy, long training. It is primarily a strength building session in a ballistic lift.

Week A1, Day 5

TGU 20kg x 1/1 floor to lunge
OLDL 20kg x 2/2
GSQ 20kg x 3

Workout C
DSW 20kg’s x 2x2, 3x3
DFSQ 20kg’s x 2x2, 3x3
DCP 20kg’s x 5x2, 5x3

1min rest between all sets

HLR x 3x3

If you’re following the sessions, you’ll notice the core workout features the same exercises or lifts, but placed in a different order from session to session. This is the Fatigue Cycling I mentioned previously, so we’ll see how it works out (get it?).

Week A1, Day 3

Partial TGU progression 20kg x 1/1 > floor to kneeling windmill
OLDL 20kg x 1/1
GSQ 20kg x 5

Workout B
DFSQ 20kg’s x 3x2, 2x3
DCP 20kg’s x 7x2, 3x3
DSW 20kg’s x 3x2, 2x3

1min rest between all sets

Hanging Leg Raise x 2x4, 1x3

My elbows are a bit dodgy at the moment so I’m doing a lot of massage work on it, and switching pull-ups to HLR’s, so that should go a long ways to help it.

Week A1, Day 2

TGU 16kg x 1/1
GSQ 16kg x 5
SN 16kg x 5/5

Repeat with 24kg

Half Get-Up 32kg x 2/2

SN 24kg x 50/4:50mins
(5/5) x 5, 30sec rest between sets

Today’s snatch session is for developing speed. I’m not that great with Snatching so a 24kg feels positively heavy, but progress is still assured.

Week A1, Day 1

TGU 20kg x 1/1

Workout A

DCP 20kg’s x 8x2, 2x3
DFSQ 20kg’s x 4x2, 1x3
DSW 20kg’s x 4x2, 1x3

1min rest between all sets

Monday, 10 June 2013

Murder Your Darlings

I love trees
"Murder you darlings", is a phrase attributed to Quiller-Couch, (a gent of sorts from a century ago), and basically means one needs to take an objective view on their personal work (in this context anyway), or at least gain some emotional distance so as to accurately judge their own work, to see what’s really there, as opposed to what they want to see. My affinity for Steve Justa’s work, as mentioned previously, led me to experiment with my training program. Well, that kind of failed, but also resulted in some valuable insights. I say kind of failed because whilst I was getting stronger overall, my press was lagging. Heavier kettlebells were genuinely feeling lighter, but the overall volume, or lack of, saw little progress in pressing. True, it takes more than a month and a bit to appraise a system, but my press hadn’t improved, and at worst felt more difficult.

Further reasoning as to change of plan is that it took me away from my goals of wanting to eventually certify as an SFG. There, a half dozen lifts are taught and honed to perfection. Me practicing dozens of random lifts was a distraction. Remember, one of my all-time favourite quotes belongs to Saint-Exupery, “Perfection is finally attained not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away”. Makes sense. In training, specific stimulus produces specific adaptation, thus, I need to focus on the core lifts of the SFG, if I want to really excel at them, and nought else. This is also my approach with my clients, and I was leading away from that.
To rectify, I shall practice the necessary lifts. They are;
-Double Swing
-Double Clean
-Double Press
-Double Front Squat

As you can see, quite bare. In addition, five pullups are required to pass the entry test, so those will be trained also.

I have settled into a 5 x days per week frequency nicely, so I’ll keep that. The basic outline will be revealed over the coming weeks when I post my weekly sessions.


I am further experimenting with my training template (because it’s in my nature to constantly improve). This time, I want to try Fatigue Cycling, as outlined in Pavel’s masterpiece, Beyond Bodybuilding. This is another one of my favourites. There is so much training knowledge in here that most people will never truly absorb its total contents. Anyways, I won’t do too much talking about it as I’d rather just get stuck in and then analyse the results, whether favourable or not. I am using the principles with kettlebells so it’s definitely something new.

So that’s that. My snatch training, on the other hand, has been progressing well. Details will be revealed further on. I also need to clarify that I also have chronic issues with my arms. I have hypertonic muscles in both arms, which basically means I have very tense muscles as a result of insufficient restoration. I experience pins and needles sensation in both hands constantly. If I went to a doctor I would in all likelihood be diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Continual self-massage has helped enormously, so I’ll keep that up and see how that turns out. On the other hand (get it?), current treatments are corticosteroids, wrist splints, and if those fail then surgery.
F**k that.

If anyone thinks I am dismissive of medical intervention then they’re right- for myself, I am, and only for myself. For clients, my professional recommendation is to listen to the doctors. There is no double-standard here, I simply take responsibility for my own health. I now realise the musculature in both my arms have been chronically stressed for over a decade, and with the increase in training my arms have now had enough. It means just as it took a long time to arrive at my current condition, it will probably also take a long time to rectify it. Surgery and splints, also anti-inflammatories, in my opinion, are treating the symptoms and not the cause, and is reflective of the medical/pharmaceutical community in general. The cause is the hypertonicity of the muscles, as evidenced when I “release” the muscles via self-massage, resulting in a feeling of ease of movement and disappearance of symptoms.
To sum up;
-  My initial Justa Singles/kettlebell adaptation wasn’t quite as successful as I had envisioned; it works, just not what I was after
-  I will experiment implementing Fatigue Cycling with kettlebells
-  I’m hammering my arms, as they suck